There is a movie in development, “Mumbet”, directed by Alethea Root (“Part Time Fabulous”) and produced by Kim Waltrip (“Hit & Run”) of Wonderstar Productions and Root of Truth 13 Productions, with executive producer Octavia Spencer.
The script, written by Stephen Glantz (“Wunderkinder”) is based on the book “A Free Woman on God’s Earth” by Jana Laiz and Ann-Elizabeth Barnes. Casting has not been announced.
Octavia Spencer to Executive Produce Anti-Slavery Movie ‘Mumbet’ (EXCLUSIVE), Variety
Octavia Spencer is quoted as saying, “I’m really drawn to stories that haven’t really been told,” Women and Hollywood
“Although no casting details for Mumbet have yet been announced, Variety notes that Alethea Root (Part Time Fabulous) will serve as director from a script by Stephen Glantz (Wunderkinder).” Octavia Spencer Will Bring a Necessary Biopic to the Big Screen With ‘Mumbet’, Film School Rejects
“Elizabeth Aspenlieder, “House of Cards” actress Jayne Atkinson, Glantz and Libby Heimark are also executive producing.” Berkshire Eagle, April 6, 2018
” “I’m extremely proud to be a part of helping to tell such an important story. It’s time for everyone to know about Elizabeth ‘Mumbet’ Freeman,” said Spencer. ” Shadow and Act
MadameNoire reports, “Filming is set to take place in Massachusetts where the story originally happened.”
Whether the notice in Variety has anything to do with the above movie poster advertising a movie about Mumbet which is currently in development, filmed in the Berkshires, with Tammy Denease ( Twitter – Creative Ground – GOOD BLACK NEWS – One Woman Performance – Berkshire Eagle ) playing the part of Mumbet we shall have to wait and see. Tammy has an article about her many faces on WNPR.
Eventually we will know more about the Mumbet movie and who will star in the lead role. But for now, we await what happens. Who really should play the role of Mumbet? Whoopi Goldberg or Oprah Winfrey would be nice and Kyra Sedgwick could play Catharine Marie Sedgwick.
Tammy Denease was interviewed on CPTV (YouTube interview no longer available). Tammy is associated with story telling with Mumbet on the Hidden Women website.
Tammy Denease on ArtsForLearningCT:
A domain has been purchased, (not as cool as which we await more to learn. There is also a listing with IMDB and a Facebook page about the movie. Looking forward to the movie’s completion and release.